What is Chivalry?
The word Chivalry comes from the French word chevalier meaning a horseman, a knight or a young man. The definition of Chivalry can be described as a term related to medieval institution of knighthood referring to the codes of conduct, including courtly love, adhered to by Medieval knights with gallant knightly values including honor, bravery, courteousness and honesty. Chivalry was the honor code of the knight. An important part of chivalry was to show respect and gallantry towards women. The Code of Chivalry was an important part of the society and lives of people who lived during the Medieval times and era. The Code of Chivalry was admired and understood by all.
Code of Chivalry - The Song of Roland
A Code of Chivalry was documented in an epic poem called 'The Song of Roland'. The 'Song of Roland' describes the 8th century Knights of the Dark Ages and the battles fought by the Emperor Charlemagne. The code has since been used as Charlemagne's Code of Chivalry. The Song of Roland was written between 1098-1100 and described the betrayal of Count Roland at the hand of Ganelon. Roland was a loyal defender of his Lord Charlemagne and his code of conduct became understood as a code of chivalry. The Code of Chivalry described in the Song of Roland and an excellent representation of the Knights Codes of Chivalry are as follows:
- To fear God and maintain His Church
- To serve the liege lord in valor and faith
- To protect the weak and defenseless
- To give succor to widows and orphans
- To refrain from the wanton giving of offence
- To live by honor and for glory
- To despise pecuniary reward
- To fight for the welfare of all
- To obey those placed in authority
- To guard the honor of fellow knights
- To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
- To keep faith
- At all times to speak the truth
- To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
- To respect the honor of women
- Never to refuse a challenge from an equal
- Never to turn the back upon a foe
The Code of Chivalry stated that a Knight was to be brave and fearless in battle but to also show qualities showing themselves to be devout, loyal, courteous and generous. Various ceremonies were attended and oaths were made before a man could become a knight. The Code of Chivalry was a moral system which went beyond rules of combat and introduced the concept of Chivalrous conduct and courtly love. The Medieval castles served as 'Knight School' and the strict Codes of Conduct dictated the life of a Knight during the Medieval times.The qualities expected of a Medieval knight included bravery, courtesy, honor and gallantry toward women from which we get the image of the Knight In Shining Armor. The concept of a Code of Chivalry led to an idealized view of Medieval knights in later times resulted in various legends about a ruler called King Arthur, his kingdom called Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table.